Anhui Fertility Clinic- Envita Fertility Center

Goss was the mechanical and electrical engineer-of-record.
Joint Commission (designed for future OSHPD 3)
8,800 Square-Feet
Anhui Fertility Clinic
Goss was the mechanical and electrical engineer of record for the tenant improvement of approximately 8,800 square feet of a new IVF Clinic with two operating rooms, an IVF Lab, an Andrology Lab, a 5-bed recovery area, and administration spaces. The project involved the installation of a new 12,000 CFM Air Handler with several duct-mounted humidifiers and terminal units. A 300 MBH boiler with a primary-secondary pump arrangement was provided for heating hot water.
A Category-1 medical gas system that meets NFPA 99 requirements was provided that included a med gas manifold (oxygen), master area alarm panels, zone valve boxes, and anesthesia boom. A new duplex vacuum pump was provided in a sound-rated room on the mezzanine level. A natural gas system upgrade was required for the new emergency natural gas generator.
A new 175-kW natural gas generator with a new outdoor enclosure and indoor 20 kVA UPS were provided for this project to provide continuous operation of the medical equipment and required infrastructure. A new 400-Amp distribution board and nurse call system were also provided.